Family law(s) under the Roman Empire
See our workshop announcement and call for PhDs to contribute to this workshop: Workshop CfA PhD Family Laws
See our workshop announcement and call for PhDs to contribute to this workshop: Workshop CfA PhD Family Laws
From our colleagues in Glasgow, notice of the following event:
On 17 March 2017 at 5.00 pm, Lucinda Kirby of the University of Liverpool, presently holding the post of Alan Rodger Postgraduate Visiting Researcher at the University of Glasgow, will speak on:
Public doctors and the law in fourth century Egypt
The event will take place in room 207, 10 The Square, University Avenue, The University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ. All are welcome.
If you wish to attend the dinner afterwards, please reply to Prof E. Metzger as soon as possible, at
For those wishing to spend a few glorious days in the lovely Padua, herewith a notice on the winter school offered by the University of Padua on Roman criminal law. The cast is truly a stellar one. Details here:LOCANDINA WS 2017-1
From our colleagues in Classics, the following conference announcement:
University of Edinburgh, 8-9 December 2017
We live in a multicultural world, in which every community develops in constant interaction with others. A series of theoretical models have been developed to explain these contacts, which in recent years have been utilized to understand the ancient world. In the context of the Roman empire, these theories are typically used to examine the interactions of various indigenous populations with their rulers. These kinds of studies were once grouped under the heading “Romanization”, though the increased questioning of the term’s validity has given rise to a diverse range of alternatives. These are often drawn from modern theoretical backgrounds: multiculturalism and multilingualism are two recent concepts employed in this realm.
The aim of this conference is to assess the validity and scope of a variety of some of these models, with a particular focus on multilingualism and multiculturalism. By promoting and facilitating dialogue between disciplines, we shall aim to provide effective tools for different fields’ approaches in parallel (e.g. historical and linguistic). This has already been done very successfully in a few cases (e.g. ‘code-switching’), though greater interaction remains a desideratum. It is hoped that the participants will thereby open the discussion for a ‘theory of contact’ in the Roman world.
We invite scholars from a range of fields, including epigraphists and papyrologists, philologists, legal historians, and archaeologists to consider if and how the multiculturalism and multilingualismmodels can be applied in the following areas:
· Language: onomastics; ancient bilingualism; language preservation and change.
· Law: the interaction between native and Roman law; issues of status.
· Literature: the response of Roman and Greek authors to “others”.
· Art and visual culture: interactions of Roman and indigenous styles; religious and cult imagery.
Papers that consider the role of the individual within these topics are especially welcome.
Confirmed Speakers: Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (Cambridge), Alex Mullen (Nottingham), Olivia Elder (Cambridge), Christian Djurslev (Edinburgh)
Proposals: We welcome proposals from scholars at any stage of their career. PhD students, early career and independent researchers are highly encouraged to participate.
Papers will be 25 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. For your proposals please include title, name(s) of speaker(s), affiliation(s), an abstract of 300 words, and a select bibliography. Please send to
Posters on particular case-studies or specific concepts will be accommodated in a designated poster session and prizes will be awarded to the three best entries. Proposals for posters should have the same format as that of the papers. Please, use POSTER as the “Subject” of your email.
The deadline for all proposals (papers and posters) is 28th February.
For further information please contact the organizers: Kimberley Czajkowski ( and/or Andreas Gavrielatos (
Our colleagues in Vienna have just released details of this very interesting workshop.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Bernhard Palme (Universität Wien, Wiener Papyrussammlung)
Welcome and Introduction: FWF Project on Roman Court Proceedings in Papyri
Anna Dolganov (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Court Proceedings in Papyri: an Overview of the Roman-Period Material
Dennis Kehoe (Tulane University)
Access to Legal Institutions and the Rule of Law in the Roman Empire
Claudia Kreuzsaler (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek)
Ad fontes! Textkritisches zum Rechtsstreit des Satabus vs. Nestnephis
Project Presentation 1 (Anna Dolganov, ÖAW)
Acta and Archives: the Making, Storage and Retrieval of Records
Project Presentation 2 (Anna Dolganov, ÖAW)
Acta and the Legal Profession: Different Types of “Lawyers” and their Activity
Dario Mantovani (Università di Pavia, ERC Project: REDHIS)
Il Progetto REDHIS e un Testimone Inedito dei Manualia di Paolo (P. Vindob. 124)
Marco Fressura (Università di Pavia, REDHIS)
Per una Tipologia dei Marginalia nei Papiri Giurisprudenziali
Clifford Ando (University of Chicago)
Proceedings in Church Councils
Concluding Discussion
Friday, July 15, 2016
Éva Jakab (Szeged University)
Ius proprium: the Choice of Law in Roman Egypt
Project Presentation 3 (Anna Dolganov, ÖAW)
Acta and the Development of the Law: Judicial Precedents
Georgy Kantor (Oxford University)
Acta of Polycarp and Pionios
Ari Bryen (Vanderbilt University)
Monologues and Dialogues: Some Considerations on “Reading” Criminal Trials
Source Discussion:
Court Proceedings as a Literary Genre: Acta Martyrum, Acta Alexandrinorum and other Paraliterary Texts
Project Presentation 4 (Anna Dolganov, ÖAW)
Imperial Pronouncements and Proceedings Before the Emperor
Serena Ammirati (Università di Pavia, REDHIS)
Un Frammento Inedito di Costituzioni Imperiali da Vienna (P. Vindob. L 128)
Bernhard Palme (Universität Wien, Wiener Papyrussammlung)
Bilingual Court Proceedings in Papyri: an Overview of the Late-Roman Material
Wolfgang Kaiser (Universität Freiburg am Breisgau)
Zur Intitulatio und Invocatio in der Spätantike
Project Presentation 5 (Bernhard Palme)
The Courts are No More? The Disappearance of Proceedings from the Papyrological Record
Concluding Discussion
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Plenary Discussion:
The Development of a Network for the Study of Law and Legal Culture in the Roman Empire
Anna Dolganov (ÖAW), Bernhard Palme (Universität Wien, Wiener Papyrussammlung)
Presentation of Unpublished Material
The following conference notification has just been posted on the classicists list via Fiona Haarer. There is some law here so it will be of interest to our readers.
The Roman Society AGM will be held at 2pm on Saturday 4 June (Chancellor’s Hall, Senate House, London)
It will be followed by a colloquium on: Families and the Law in Rome
2.30 Dr Valentina Arena: Roman Family Between Private and Public
3.15 Tea
3.45 Professor Alison Cooley: Roman Families in the Ashmolean
4.15 Dr Margaret Mountford: The Apion Family Archive
5.00 Reception
On Tuesday 7 June, 6pm (Room G22/26 Senate House) we will be hosting a joint lecture with the Friends of the British School at Athens.
Professor Tim Whitmarsh: Historians Against Rome
All welcome.
Readers of this blog may be interested to know of the next ALC workshop to be held on January 29 – 30, 2016 in Edinburgh. Programme below:
Ancient Law in Context: Workshop 6
29 – 30 January 2016
University of Edinburgh
Friday 29 January
Venue: Old College [Neil MacCormick Room]
12.30 – 1pm: Arrival [Tea and Coffee]
Session 1
1 – 2pm: Jose Luis Alonso Rodriguez – “Etiam cum inique
decernit: jurisdictional discretion in the Late Republic and the Early
2 – 3pm: Anna Dolganov – “Case-law and the work of judges in the Roman Empire.”
3 – 4pm: Jakub Urbanik – “Between arbitration and rescript procedure or the force of the imperial court.“
4 – 4.30pm: Tea, Coffee
4.30 – 5pm: Lina Girdvainyte – “C. Poppaeus Sabinus in Thessaly (IG IX 2.261, 15-35 CE): Territorial dispute resolution under Rome.”
5 – 5.30pm: Kimberley Czajkowski – “Trial narratives in Josephus.”
5.30pm – 6pm: Michael Crawford – “The Roman law of procedure, Ivo of Chartres, and the beginning of research on ancient slavery.”
6 – 7pm: Drinks
7.30 pm: Dinner at Ciao Roma
Saturday 30 January
Venue: HCA [G. 12, William Robertson Wing (The Old Medical School)]
9.30 – 10am: Tea, Coffee
Session 2
10 – 11am: Mirko Canevaro – “The Procedure of Demosthenes’ Against Leptines: How to Repeal (and Replace) an Existing Law.”
11 – 11.30am: Edward Harris – “The Legal Procedure of Demosthenes’ Against Meidias.”
11.30 – 12 noon: Pier Luigi Morbidoni – “Gaius, Inst. 3.55 and friends.”
12 noon – 12.30: Halcyon Weber – “Further thoughts on the existence of a ‘Liber quinquaginta decisionum.'”
12.30 – 1pm: Benedikt Eckhardt – “Manumissio per mensam.”
1pm: conclusion and lunch
Although this is a closed meeting, there are some spaces available for interested third parties wishing to join us for the sessions. Please email Paul du Plessis for more information.