Readers of our blog may be interested in this conference notification. The conference, jointly organised by a number of colleagues in Münster, also features Dr. Kimberley Czajkowski, recently appointed to a lectureship in Roman history at the University of Edinburgh, as one of the organisers. This blogger is looking forward to this conference!
We are delighted to announce an international conference on “Law in the Roman Provinces” which will take place at the University of Münster next month, funded by the Thyssen Foundation. The conference gathers together experts to discuss how law, Roman or otherwise, was transmitted, used, neglected and transformed from the late Republic until the late third century CE in all regions of the empire.
All are welcome, but for reasons of space we ask those interested to register with the organisers at
Law in the Roman Provinces
June 22–24, 2016
Hörsaalgebäude des Exzellenzcluster “Religion und Politik”, Raum JO 101
Johannisstraße 4, 48143 Münster
Organisers: Kimberley Czajkowski (Münster), Benedikt Eckhardt (Bremen), Meret Strothmann (Bochum)
Day One (22/06/2016)
14.00-14.15 Welcome from the Organisers
14.15-14.45 Peter Gußen (Bochum)
Introductory remarks
The Iberian Peninsula
14.45-15.30 John Richardson (University of Edinburgh)
Roman law or Roman legal practice? A review of the evidence from the Iberian peninsula
16.00-16.45 Meret Strothmann (University of Bochum)
Roman City-Laws of Spain and their Modelling of Religious Landscape
Fragments of the West
16.45-17.30 Paul du Plessis (University of Edinburgh)
Roman Law in Roman Britain
18.00-18.45 Benedikt Eckhardt (University of Bremen)
Roman Law as Imperial Restriction, Useful Tool and Symbol of Identity: A Guided Tour through the Danubian Provinces
Day Two (23/06/2016)
9.15-10.00 Ilias Arnaoutoglou (Academy of Athens)
An Outline of Legal Norms and Practices in Roman Macedonia (167 BC – AD 212)
10.00-10.45 Lina Girdvainyte (University of Oxford)
Law and Citizenship in Roman Achaia: Continuity and Change
11.15-12.00 Ioannis Tzamtzis (University of Ioannina)
Intégration et perception de la règle de droit romaine en Crète, de la conquête de l’île à la fin du principat (67 av. J.-C. – 235 ap. J.-C.)
12.00-12.45 Athina Dimopoulou (University of Athens)
Law in Roman Lesbos
Asia Minor
14.15-15.00 Klaus Zimmermann (University of Münster)
Title TBC
15.00-15.45 Ulrich Huttner (University of Siegen)
Rechts- und Lateinkenntnisse im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien
North Africa
16.15-17.00 Anna Dolganov (University of Vienna)
nutricula causidicorum: The Forensic Profession in Roman Africa
17.00-17.45 Clifford Ando (University of Chicago)
The beginnings of public law in Roman North Africa
Day Three (24/06/2016)
Near East
9.00-9.45 Tiziana Chiusi (Saarland University)
Spuren des römischen Rechts in dem Archiv von Babatha
9.45-10.30 Kimberley Czajkowski (University of Münster)
On the Edges of the Empire: Law and Administration at Dura-Europos
11.00-11.45 Andrea Jördens (University of Heidelberg)
Aequum et iustum – Prinzipien römischer Provinzverwaltung
11.45-12.30 Jose Luis Alonso (University of the Basque Country)
The Constitutio Antoniniana and the Private Legal Practice in the Eastern Empire
14.00-14.45 Jakub Urbanik (University of Warsaw)
Title TBC
15.15-16.00 Anna Plisecka (University of Zurich)
Longi temporis praescriptio in der severischen Gesetzgebung
16.00-16.45 Uri Yiftach (Tel Aviv University)
Administrative Terminology in Roman Egypt: Continuity and Change
17.15-17.45 Conclusion