Inaugural Lecture of Professor Carsten Fischer

Readers of this blog may be interested in the Inaugural Lecture of Professor Carsten Fischer of Trier. After studying at Munster, while working on his doctorate Professor spent time researching in Edinburgh. He gained his doctorate under Professor Andreas Thier at Zurich, and his Habilitation at Cologne. His thesis was entitled Schildgeld und Heersteuer. Eine vergleichende Studie zur Entwicklung lehnsrechtlicher Strukturen durch die Umwandlung vasallitischer Kriegsdienste in Geldabgaben im normannisch-frühangevinischen England und staufischen Reich. His Inaugural Lecture is entitled: “In England’s Green and Pleasant Land”? Das englische Recht im Blick der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft (18.-20. Jh)”. This is a rich and intriguing topic. 

Professor Fischer will give his lecture at 16.00 on 1 Dec. 2023 in HS 6 of the Faculty of Law in the Univeristy of Trier.