CEDANT: agere per formulas. Collegium of Roman Law, January 2022
All legal historians know the importance of procedure. This is very obvious in the case of Roman law. it is therefore worth noting that the 15th cedant at Pavia is devoted to the topic, “Agere per formulas: The Forms and Dynamics of Civil Justice in the Roman World”, under the direction of Dario Mantovani (Collège de France) and Luigi Pellecchi (University of Pavia). This will be an intensive course of study over three weeks, aimed at early career scholars, and will be taught in English and Italian by notable scholars (including our own Paul du Plessis. For details, see https://www.ghislieri.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/manif-CEDANT-2022-inglese-2.pdf Poster below: