New Book on Roman Law: Principle and Pragmatism in Roman Law
Your blogger has just received his copy of Principle and Pragmatism in Roman Law. Edited by Benjamin Spangolo and Joe Sampson, and appearing under the Hart imprint, the work aims to explore and debate the relationship between “abstract doctrinal principle, and pragmatic real-world problem-solving”. As well contributions by senior colleagues such as Paul du Plessis, Mike McNair, David Ibbetson, Boudweijn Sirks, Constantin Willems, and Wolfgang Ernst, its is important to note the volume features chapters by some of the new rising scholars of Roman law in the United Kingdom, Graeme Cunningham, Peter Candy, and the two editors, Joe Sampson and Benjamin Spangolo.
This is not the place to review this volume. It is important to note that it continue the challenge currently being presented to the traditional, dogmatic approach to Roman law inherited from the nineteenth century. It is a rich collection, into which your blogger has already enjoyed dipping.