Law and Classics
Our colleagues in History, Classics and Archaeology have notified us of an interesting collaboration between them and various Japanese scholars on the topic of ‘Law and Classics’. Details below:
Edinburgh Law and Classics Conference 25 August
Department of Classics, School of History, Classics, and Archaeology,
William Robertson Wing G16, Teviot Place, Edinburgh
10.45-11am: convene
11am-12 noon: session 1, Chair Professor D. L. Cairns
1. Miku Nakagawa (PhD student, Tokyo University)
An Unpublished Fragment from Oxyrhynchus
2. Hiroshi Notsu (Professor of Classics, Shinshu University)
Traductions japonaises d’Homère
12 noon-1pm: session 2, Chair Dr M. Canevaro
3. Yasunori Kasai (Professor of Law and Classics, Tokyo University)
Hybris and Defamation in Greek and Roman Law (and Japanese Law)
4. Yumi Uchikawa (PhD student, Tokyo University)
‘I shall kill by vote’: Trial as a means of killing in classical Athens
1pm-2pm: lunch
2pm-3pm: session 3, Chair, Dr D. O’Rourke
5. Taro Tomoi (PhD student, Tokyo University)
Mentula in Catullus: an example of Catullan invective
6. Shintaro Chiba (PhD student, Tokyo University)
Propertius 3.6 and the Greek Anthology
3pm-3.30pm: session 4, Chair Professor L. J. Llewellyn-Jones
7. Yuki Kontani (PhD student, Tokyo University)
Castration in Roman Law
3.30pm-4pm: tea and coffee
4pm-5.30pm: session 5, Chair tba
8. Tomoyo Yoshimura (Professor of Roman Law, Hiroshima International University)
alumnus and fideicommissum in Roman Law
9. Emi Matsumoto (Professor of Comparative Law, Aoyama Gakuin University)
The idea of the law-giver in J.J. Rousseau’s contrat social and the difficulty in Japanese translation
10. Masami Okaue (Professor of Criminal Law, Tsukuba University)
Sentencing and theories of punishment in Japan
5.30pm-7.00pm: reception, Jim McMillan Room, School of History, Classics, and Archaeology (sponsored by the Young Academy of the Royal Society of Edinburgh)
8pm dinner (for those who have reserved in advance), Bread St Brasserie, Point Hotel, Bread St.