A Question of Time: Trix van Erp.

On 12 September, 2014, this blogger had the good fortune to attend the valedictory lecture of Beatrix van Erp-Jacobs to mark her retirement from the Chair of Oud-Vaderlands Recht (Dutch Legal History) at Tilburg University. Professor van Erp is a prolific and leading historian of Dutch law, particularly that of the old Duchy of Brabant, though she has a broad range. It was an excellent event, starting with an academic procession into the aula magna of the University with the Rector Magnificus and professors of legal history from around Europe dressed in their various robes.


Led by the bedellus with the mace, it made a splendid impression. Professor van Erp then delivered a thoughtful oration, entitled “Een kwestie van tijd” ranging over various topics that reflected her career and scholarship. After her lecture, there were a number of affectionate tributes, including one from the Dean, Professor Prins, reviewing Professor van Erp’s career, with illustrations, and a highly amusing one from Professor Randall Lesaffer.

After this, Professor van Erp was presented with the Festschrift in her honour entitled, Ad fontes: liber Amicorum prof. Beatrix van Erp-Jacob, published by Wolf Legal Publishers, Oisterwijk

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After an elegant reception in the University there was a wonderful party with a reception in the garden, followed by an excellent dinner at the at the Bos & Ven Mansion Hotel in Oisterwijk.


During the dinner there was a performance by the Troeba Trio (http://www.troeba.nl/), whom readers of this blog may recall also performed at the retirement of Olga Tellegen in December 2013. In all an excellent and enjoyable event, worthy of such a distinguished scholar.

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