H.J. Scheltema Symposium on Byzantine Law
Our colleagues at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Law, have alerted us to the following seminar:
H.J. Scheltema – Symposium on Byzantine Law
Theme: Byzantine Law
Date: Mon 23-06-2014 – Tue 24-06-2014
Time: 11.00 – 16.00 hrs. (both days)
Location: Senaatskamer (Academy Building, University of Groningen), Broerstraat 5 in Groningen
The Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen is pleased to invite you to attend a two-day symposium on June 23-24 to celebrate the cooperation between Groningen and Palermo. The symposium will take place in the Senaatskamer of the University, Broerstraat 5. On June 24 at 16.15 hrs, Professor Giuseppe Falcone, who has held the H.J. Scheltema Chair for two years, will bring the symposium to a conclusion with a solemn address, entitled The ‘mysterious’ beauty of Laws.
For more information and a full programme, please contact Professor Bernard Stolte.