Tony Weir: Memorial Issue: Tulane Law Review

This Blog did not include an obituary for Tony Weir. He was not keen that there should be one published, nor that there be a Gedenkschrift in his memory; but both in fact have now happened.  Our colleague Hector MacQueen produced an excellent obituary in our sibling Blog, Scots Law News:  Now the Tulane Law Review has published a “Symposium” in his honour. In American Law Reviews symposiums are basically themed issues focused on an issue of debate; but Tony, a convivial type, would have appreciated its root meaning of a drinking party with conversation! But though Tony disapproved of Festschriften, he might well have forgiven the idea of a Gedenkschrift or posthumous liber amicorum, even if in a student-edited law review, another pet disapproval. Given your Blogger was one of the contributors, I shall not review the volume: its contents may be found listed and abstracted at  Given Tony’s interests, the essays range over Roman law, legal history, comparative law, and torts or delict, as well as touching on various Weir themes, such as friendship – no doubt an important part of a true symposium! There is also a good introduction by Shael Herman, who, along with the student editors, is to be congratulated. Given Tony’s liking for Tulane, I am sure his shade, if it still waits for the ferryman, would not mind.
One nice memorial to this remarkable man was the private publication (produced by Hart publishing) of a collection of his case notes: a genre of legal commentary in which he excelled: Tony Weir on the Case, ed. by Barnard, Cornish, Hopkins and McBride (Oxford, 2012).