SCOTTISH LEGAL HISTORY GROUP – 32nd Annual Conference, Saturday 6 October 2012

The 32nd Annual Conference and AGM of the Scottish Legal History Group will be held in the Reading Room of the Advocates’ Library, Parliament House, Edinburgh, on Saturday 6th October 2012. All welcome.


10.30  Coffee

11.00  First Session

Mr W.W. Scott
‘William de Crannystoun, notary public, c. 1395-1425, and some contemporaries’.

 Dr John D. Ford, University of Cambridge
 'William Welwod's Treatises on Maritime Law'.


12.30  Sherry. Break for Lunch.

2.15  Second Session

Annual General Meeting … to be followed at 2.30 approximately by:

  Ms Harriet Cornell
  'Social Control and the Courts of Haddingtonshire: 1610-1640'.

3.30  Third Session

 Dr  Dan Carr, University of Edinburgh
 ‘Lord Kames in America’.

 Dr Andrew Mackillop, University of Aberdeen
 'Scots Law & Scottish Identities in the Eastern British Empire, c.1750-1815'.

5.00  Close
Thirty-Second Annual Conference – Saturday 6th October 2012
The 32nd Annual Conference and AGM of the Scottish Legal History Group will be held in the Reading Room of the Advocates’ Library, Parliament House, Edinburgh, on Saturday 6th October 2012. All welcome.
All those wishing to attend are requested to send the attached form together with the Conference fee of £10.00 to the Secretary, Dr John Finlay, at the address indicated.

Conference Registration
Most participants receive this intimation by email. If you have received it by post but would prefer or are willing to receive it by email in future, please provide your email address below.

When replying please provide your current email and postal addresses:
– If you are subscribing for the first time
– If these have changed in the past year
– If there has been a long interval since your last subscription

Thirty-second Annual Conference – Saturday 6th October 2012

To:  Dr John Finlay, School of Law, The Stair Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ.

Please enroll me for the above Conference. I enclose my Conference Fee of £10.00 (cheques payable to ‘The Scottish Legal History Group’).


Email address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………