Legal History Fellowship: Harvard

For young legal historians a period to turn their doctoral or other work into a book or other publications can be invaluable. It is therefore important to bring to the attention of readers of this Blog the advertisement for the Raoul Berger-Mark DeWolfe Howe Legal History Fellowship at Harvard.

As well as working on their research (in any field of legal history), they will acquire other skills and experience through involvement in organising the Harvard Law School Legal History Colloquium. The Harvard website states: "The purpose of the fellowship is to enable the fellow to complete a major piece of writing in the field of legal history, broadly defined. There are no limitations as to geographical area or time period." This said, past recipients listed have all been working on a relatively modern field of US history, with the concerns of contemporary US legal historians obviously to the fore, which is fair enough.

The deadline for applications is 15 February 2012.
