Max-Planck-Institut ‘Studientage’: Sources of the central institutions of the Roman Church in the Early Modern and Contemporary eras
As in previous years, the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte invites doctoral students and young researchers to participate in the 'Studientage' seminar. This year the focus will be on 'The sources of the central institutions of the Roman Church in the Early Modern and Contemporary eras: Research tools for History and History of Law'. The seminar will take place in Frankfurt am Main from 28 to 30 September 2011. The purpose of the Workshop is to offer participants the basic tools to begin researching in the archives of the Roman Curia dicasteries and of other Roman ecclesiastical institutions as well as to provide elements for a critical interpretation of the sources and their contextualization through the most current literature.
Three work sessions will be held: the first will be on the history of the Roman Curia from the Middle Ages to the present; the second will present the main Roman archives and their means of description and research; and the third will cover the methodology of archival investigation, with special attention to historical and legal-historical issues, and the description of specific competences and tools that are essential for the purposes of archival work. Applications must be submitted to Dr Benedetta Albani by 15 June and must include, together with the completed application form, a short description of the candidate's research activity (max. 1000 characters, spaces excluded) and an up-to-date CV. Selected candidates will be notified by 30 June 2011.
The Max-Planck Institute will cover accommodation expenses, but participants must provide for their travel expenses. In exceptional cases it may be possible to obtain full coverage of all expenses.
The application form and a preliminary programme can be downloaded at