Home of Moreau Lislet, no 2.

It turns out that the house mentioned earlier as the house of Moreau Lislet was not in fact his. The address is correct, as Professor Levasseur has in his book, but the current house was built later. The blog is informed by Georgia Chadwick that the New Orleans' archivist Sally Reeves has pointed out that the current house was described as unfinished in 1857. Moreau Lislet's house was set 38 feet back from the street and fronted by a garden. It is always possible that parts of Moreau's house were used in the rebuilding, of course.

This said, this is still an important historical site for the legal history of Louisiana. Might it not be appropriate for a plaque to be put up to that effect, just as his grave has already been beautifully restored? It was on this property, after all, that Moreau lived from 1809, and it is where he took his last breath.